Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Shock horror!

Breaking an unwritten rule, I'm going to say something that’s work related! (Yes, I do have a job oddly enough - you can dispel images of me sitting with a litter of cats, chewing gum and wiping prono mags).

Anyhow - work. I've been struck lately by the mounting anti-formalisms that seem to be doing the round in the geo-related blogs (see here or here) . The simple reduction is that a RESTful experience is better than a heavyweight SOAP/WSDL one and I (for what its worth) tend to agree. If 80% can be accomplished by 20% of the effort, then the flipside seems to be 20% gain for 80% effort. Now, as the title of this blog attests, I'm naturally lazy and I cannot justify effort for efforts sake. So I guess I'm a RESTafarain rather than a WSDLite (and I’m sure H.G. Wells could have made much of that)..

Anyway, what started me down this road again was taking a look at WADL (Web Application Description Language) - something even the OGC in their collective wisdom are contemplating.... bears taking a shifty at.

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