Tuesday, 23 October 2007

DoS and Pants

The recent hiatus has been caused by a Denial of Service attack launched by my children – school half term has keft me 1. bankrupt 2. exhausted 3. little spare time for indolence!! Anyhow, ‘normal’ service can now resume and my first post is about…


Actually, it was whilst walking the dog this morning in the cold crisp autumnal air (every so slightly scented with horse poo and ozone) and whilst reflecting on last nights television that my thoughts wondered to er, gussets. My wife has a penchant for cookery programmes and it was thinking about the bra challenged Nigella that the thought occurred to me that if over a quarter of all British women wear the wrong size bra, how many British men wear the wrong size pants? That got me to thinking about unpleasant events in the past whence I’ve suffered ‘gusset creep’ which is an unpleasant affliction that seems to be both painful and embarrassing at the same time and almost always happens at inopportune moments (such as being cramped in the middle row seat of an aircraft).

Anyhow, my puzzler for today, is what percentage of your male acquaintances are wearing appropriately sized pants (and I’m not even going to contemplate what proportion feel the need to go commando or wear their wife’s/girlfriends smalls)???

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