Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Contemporary jotter
Old ways to rust
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
DoS and Pants
Actually, it was whilst walking the dog this morning in the cold crisp autumnal air (every so slightly scented with horse poo and ozone) and whilst reflecting on last nights television that my thoughts wondered to er, gussets. My wife has a penchant for cookery programmes and it was thinking about the bra challenged Nigella that the thought occurred to me that if over a quarter of all British women wear the wrong size bra, how many British men wear the wrong size pants? That got me to thinking about unpleasant events in the past whence I’ve suffered ‘gusset creep’ which is an unpleasant affliction that seems to be both painful and embarrassing at the same time and almost always happens at inopportune moments (such as being cramped in the middle row seat of an aircraft).
Anyhow, my puzzler for today, is what percentage of your male acquaintances are wearing appropriately sized pants (and I’m not even going to contemplate what proportion feel the need to go commando or wear their wife’s/girlfriends smalls)???
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Reflective Digital Therapy.
Forget all the new age mumbo-jumbo (a phrase taken direct from Dawkins and one I fully agree with), RDT is more in harmony with the digital zeitgeist and seems to offer a synaptic advantage in that contemporary western civilisation constantly requires us to reinvent and reflect on the offerings being bandied about in digital cornucopia. answer to "why do you blog" is simple - it's therapy!
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Shock horror!
Anyhow - work. I've been struck lately by the mounting anti-formalisms that seem to be doing the round in the geo-related blogs (see here or here) . The simple reduction is that a RESTful experience is better than a heavyweight SOAP/WSDL one and I (for what its worth) tend to agree. If 80% can be accomplished by 20% of the effort, then the flipside seems to be 20% gain for 80% effort. Now, as the title of this blog attests, I'm naturally lazy and I cannot justify effort for efforts sake. So I guess I'm a RESTafarain rather than a WSDLite (and I’m sure H.G. Wells could have made much of that)..
Anyway, what started me down this road again was taking a look at WADL (Web Application Description Language) - something even the OGC in their collective wisdom are contemplating.... bears taking a shifty at.
Friday, 5 October 2007
An old hand
Thursday, 4 October 2007
A serious moment.
Another thought whilst I cogitated (too much time awaiting transfer), was how come my car and every other appliance I own has a built in obsolescence , yet guns seem to be designed to last forever – that old WWII Luger under your dads bed (thankfully liberated from some scumbg nazi (but that’s another story)), is as deadly today as it was to the last jew/homosexual/gypsy/disabled person that smelt the cordite. What if they had a ‘best before’ date – I guarantee that wars would cease as everyone would claim their arms where out of date and so they couldn’t possibly engage in hostilities…(aka bottom of the fridge theory).