There are times when the cupidity of humankind is beyond words. From belief in the holiness of images on toast, to the bastard philosophies of HandsomeLake and the Cargo Cults (and if you don’t know what these are I suggest you make quick with a search engine – which raises an interesting question. Are there religiously motivated search engines that will sanitize query results in order to espouse a particular moral view? Is this what Google did/does in China (elsewhere?). What is the consensus on pluralism and secularism? Answers on a postcard please).
Okay, I’m wandering off topic again. My point was the futility of much human endeavor – its simply wasted by the pious and self serving agendas purporting to be about the ONE TRUTH. Phah!! In the 21st century how can we succumb to such distortion and perversion of thought? Was the Enlightenment for nothing? Is scientific method so arcane and difficult that we need to resort to hide behind the skirts of tin gods and do millions die in ignorance for want of asking ‘Why?’. Surely a benevolent and caring God is hardly so egotistical (!) to demand unquestioning obedience (I seem to recall that that led to Nazism), or is the almighty so insecure that he (sexist so and so too!) needs to have mortals to bully?
Sorry. Dismount. Off hobby horse now, but I think what we need in this digital age is a new markup language:
The eXtensible Deity Markup Language (XDML).
Need a new saint? Mark it up in XDML. Have a particular sect your down on? Mark it up in XDML. What to swell the coffers of Jimmy Baker/Jimmy Swaggert? Mark it up brother.
XDML – your W3C compliant passport to heaven.
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