Partly due to new year ennui and of course, indolence, posts have been few and far between. As this is the first of '08 and I've not been particularly inspired of late I thought Id start the year with a rant about the stupidity of the UK governments stance on nuclear power.
Really! So its sensible to put short term economic issues ahead of long (very!) term pollution risks. Well, if thats so then let the chairman of BNF or indeed the Cabinet or at least Mr Darling bury all the radioactive shit in their back gardens.
Of course, theres a business opportunity here. If the waste lasts for hundreds of thousands of years this could be your chance to immortality. Hows about a trade in personalized radioactive waste then those in 30,000 AD will be able to irradiate themselves and point a finger and say - gee that G. Brown, what a tosser!!!
On second thoughts, China probably already has an industry doing just that.